If you’re having trouble understanding your account page/settings, this page goes into detail about each section.

We do! We have a separate page for Auto Apply FAQs as well as a detailed User Guide.

Learn more and start your free trial here!

To join the Production Company List all you have to do is select ‘Production Company’ while editing your profile. To begin editing your profile, click the gear icon beside your profile picture.

There are three ways to cancel your subscription:

  1. By going to your Payment Dashboard and selecting “My Subscription” from the menu. You can then cancel your subscription by clicking the “Cancel” button. This will automatically downgrade you to our free account.

  2. You can also delete your account entirely. This will cancel your subscription in the process.

  3. Or just by contacting us at support@filmlocal.com and requesting a cancellation!

When you click on the apply button, there are 3 possible outcomes:

– You get directed to the production company’s site for application (sometimes their FilmLocal account page for messaging)

– You’re shown the production company’s application email

– You’re shown apply@filmlocal.com | Be sure to keep the job listing link there!

All of these methods work for applying to whichever job you’re interested in! Sometimes if the hiring company would like they can use apply@filmlocal.com and have us forward them applications. This is the rarest of outcomes. 

If you cancel your subscription before your free trial month is up you will not get charged anything.

We have a list of all Cast and Crew tags separated by department here! You can find all the AKS tags here.

Often times this is because you have not verified your email address. You should have received a verification email upon signing up. All you have to do is click the link inside and this will verify your email and your account will be activated, allowing you to log in. In some cases this email is sent to your junk folder. If you didn’t received this email, contact us and we will resend the verification for you!

All prices are in USD.

If you try logging into FilmLocal without activating your account first this will happen. Contact us and we will send you another verification link.

To show up in the directories you must have either a Cast page or a Crew page associated with your account. To do this simply edit the “about” section on your profile page and select which pages you’d like to have in the “What Are You In The Film Industry?” dropdown.

You can! There is an option to on a users profile page and on their profile card if you’re looking through a directory.

The site itself is absolutely free! No hidden fees or anything of the like here.

The jobs listed on our site are either posted directly on our site or are sourced from other employment sites (aggregated) for your convenience. We do this so all these jobs can be in one place, saving you plenty of time! Applications may link to other websites.

Interested in our Reporting Rewards Program? Basically, for each listing you flag for us that turns out to be either suspicious or out-of-date/no longer relevant, you’ll get a reward! The reward is more and more free months of our Key Membership, and eventually, you could even get it forever!

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