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Account Help

This page was made to help you further understand your account page and other account settings. Hopefully this will clear up any confusion you may have about your page

Account Page

Below is an example of the maximum amount of tabs you can have on your page at this point. We will go through all of them and explain. Many of the tabs have privacy settings you can change.

To edit your About page, click the gear icon to the right of your profile picture and click ‘edit profile’. To edit other tabs there is an ‘edit’ button at the bottom of the page.

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Job Manager

This tab is for managing and creating any and all posts on our job board Productions page as well as simply viewing them. Essentially, it’s a one-stop-shop conveniently placed on your page for quick access. Guests to your page can only see the jobs you’ve posted when viewing this section. Another note, when creating jobs, if you don’t want people to know your email, simply link your FilmLocal account page and users will be able to contact you from there.


To edit this section click the gear icon to the right of your profile picture and select ‘Edit Profile’. Guests are not able to see this tab. This is for your eyes only. Here, you can specify your working city, state/province, additional pages, and directory tags. Your ‘Working City’ is the city in which you’d like to show up on when users search in the directory. You can also choose to create a Crew Page and/or a Cast Page. These additional tabs allow you to put down extra information about yourself and what you do in the film industry. If any additional pages are selected, you are placed on the corresponding directory and are visible to users. However, if you keep this section as ‘Member’ you won’t be on any public directory nor will you receive additional pages. Finally, directory search tags and AKS tags. These allow you to pick film positions and rentals that best suit you. This is another way you can be found on directory searches. You are able to have a maximum of five tags for cast/crew and unlimited for AKS. If your position or rental is not listed tell us and we will add it to the list, if applicable.


This tab is only viewable by its owner. All private messages between you and other FilmLocal members are shown here. Guests to the site are not able to send you private messages.


Everyone is able to see this tab of your profile. This is how guests to FilmLocal are able to contact you. Your email address is never shown. You have the option to remove this tab from your account settings page if you wish.


Here, you can freely add any headshots you may have as well as any images of your rentals. You can separate groups of similar images by creating albums. All users can see this tab.

AKS Rentals

AKS Rentals is a section where you can promote any film rentals you have, other than gear. All members have this tab available to them, but it will only show up on the AKS Rentals page if you add  AKS tags to your profile. If you would like to suggest any tags to us, please do so. You can see all the AKS tags here.

Cast Page

This tab will only appear if you chose it in the About section. Here, you can add acting information and promote yourself for all visitors to see. Simply click the blue ‘Edit’ button to get started! Doing this provides the following benefits:

  • It gives additional important information to the person viewing your profile
  • It allows you to show up in more search queries on our directory pages
  • It provides quick information to people browsing through our directories
  • Your profile on Google searches is more appealing to passersby

If your position is not listed tell us and we will add it to the list, if applicable. You can see all the cast tags here.

Crew Page

This tab will only appear if you chose it in the About section. Here, you can add crew information and promote yourself for all visitors to see. Simply click the blue ‘Edit’ button to get started! Doing this provides the following benefits:

  • It gives additional important information to the person viewing your profile
  • It allows you to show up in more search queries on our directory pages
  • It provides quick information to people browsing through our directories
  • Your profile on Google searches is more appealing to passersby

If your position is not listed tell us and we will add it to the list, if applicable. You can see all the crew tags here.

Production Company Page

This tab can only be obtained if you are a part of our Production Company List which you can be added to by selecting ‘Production Company’ while editing your profile. You will automatically be taken off the Cast and/or Crew List once you join.  It is for production companies to fill out and display additional information about their business to our users. Here’s an example of a  Production Company page. Typically, the profiles who are a part of this are made up of a team of people, not individuals. It functions the same way any other one of our editable tabs does. Simply click the blue ‘Edit’ button to get started!

Account Settings

The other section of your account is your account settings. This can be accessed by clicking on the gear icon to the right of your profile picture and picking ‘My Account’. This area is only accessible by you. Below shows all the sections you may see.

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Your account page displays the following information: username, first name, last name, and email. Your username is automatically generated when you register to the site and cannot be changed. Don’t worry though, it’s only for use in our database. It has nothing to do with the front end of the site, except, you can use it to login if you prefer. Your display name is made up from the first and last name fields. If you have any professional addresses, such as DGC, CSC, ASC, etc., you can place them after your last name. Finally, the email field contains the address in which we will send emails to you from FilmLocal and any users trying to contact you.

Change Password

This section is very straightforward. Although you are not forced to have a strong password, we highly recommend doing so! You are also able to recover your password on the login page if you forget it. You will receive an email once this is completed. If you receive one of these emails and you didn’t change your password, contact us immediately.

My Orders

All upgraded membership orders are found here. It’ll have brief information on when and how much you were charged as well as what the charge was for. If you want more details, receipts, to cancel your subscription, or to pay in advance, click the ‘eye’ icon beside the order you’re interested in. This will take you to your Customer Dashboard and you’ll be able to interact with your order in greater detail.


Here, you can privatize your profile page as much as you like. You can choose not to allow people to view your profile. If you want to be hidden from the directory, which we don’t recommend if you have a Crew or Cast page associated with your account, you can do that here. As well you can control who and how other users are able to contact you. Reminder, only people with memberships on FilmLocal are able to send you private messages, but anyone can send you emails from the contact form if enabled.


Email notification options are displayed here. Choose at your own discretion!

Web Notifications

These notifications appear when you are logged into your FilmLocal account. A bell will appear in the bottom right-hand side of your browser and display the number of notifications you currently have. The bell only shows to alert you when you have new notifications. Again, check these boxes according to what you want to be alerted to.

Social Connect

In this section you are able to connect both your Facebook account and your Google account. The purpose of this is to make logging into your account a little bit easier and quicker. If you have a connected account you will be able to login via the Facebook or Google buttons on the login page. You can also disconnect each account from this page if you so choose. Connecting an account will automatically change your FilmLocal profile picture to the profile picture from the account you just connected.

Delete Account

Lastly, if you no longer want to be a part of the FilmLocal community, all you need to do is type in your password in this section. This will delete everything associated with your account and you will receive an email confirming your deletion. If you choose to do this, we would be happy to hear some feedback from you as to why so we can address any problems to make FilmLocal better.

That’s all! If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask. We hope you enjoy your time on FilmLocal!

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