Auto Apply FAQs

Table of Contents:

We also have our User Guide for a more detailed look and graphics on how to use our auto-apply platform.

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at or via our Contact Form!

Loops (Automated Job Searches)​

A loop is a function that allows you to automate your job search process through our platform. You just need to input your desired job title(s), in the preferred location and your on-site or remote preference, your seniority level, upload your resume (CV), set up some keywords (optional) and let your loop(s) do the job for you.

Each loop represents an automated job search cycle. Thus, it is necessary to create at least one loop (automated job search) to automate your job search at your preference and streamline job results according to your profile and CV (resume). 

If you have not created any loop(s), the platform will not work as it should, thus no job-matching or/and job applications can be performed automatically.

To create an effective automated job search (loop) you have to follow 4 simple steps.

Click the blue “New Loop” button from your Dashboard

1st step: “Search Info”

    1. Job Title: Enter your desired job title (e.g., Software Engineer)
    2. Job Location: Specify the preferred location in the “City, Country”, or “Country” format (e.g., Los Angeles, United States, or United States)
    3. Search only for Remote Jobs: Click the box if you want to search only for remote jobs in the Job Location (if you click, then this loop will search for remote jobs in Los Angeles, United States, or United States)
    4. Search in Specific Job Boards: Leave this field blank if you want all available job boards to be included in your job search, select the platform(s) from which your loop will collect jobs (e.g., LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, etc)
    5. Enable Career Page Job Search: Click the box if you want to explore job opportunities directly on companies’ official career pages.
    6. Experience: Select the seniority level of the jobs you are looking for. You are able to select among:  
      = No years of experience 
      Medior = Up to 4 years of experience,
      Senior = = 4+ years of experience,
      All = All seniority levels
    7. Upload your CV: Upload your resume (CV)
    8. Click “Next

2nd step: “Email Template”

  1. Email Template: Choose one of our pre-designed email templates, or create your own. Note that your CV (resume) will always be attached to your emails
  2. Send a Test Email: This allows you to send a test email to your own email address to check out what a company will see when you send an automated email submission via your automated job search (loop)
  3. Click “Next

3rd step: “Settings”

  1. Automatically send emails: Turn on this toggle to activate the “automated email submission” feature (leave this toggled unclicked if you do not want to send emails)
  2. Auto-fill Job Application Forms: Turn on this toggle to activate the “automated applications” feature (leave this toggled unclicked if you do not want to auto-fill job application forms)
    1. Phone: When the automated application feature is activated, you will need to enter your phone number in this field.
    2. City: When the automated application feature is activated, you will need to enter your city in this field.
    3. Cover Letter: In this field, you can customize the cover letter we have prepared for you.
  3. AI answering: Activate this toggle to allow our AI to reply to any questions that arise during the application process. These answers are generated based on the information provided in your CV, ensuring responses are tailored and relevant to your profile
  4. Auto-apply using our Chrome Extension: Click on the “install” button to set up our Chrome Extension (mandatory). This enables you to automatically mass apply to matches from LinkedIn, Indeed, Dice & Reed.
  5. Do you want to exclude some companies ?:  Enter the companies you want to exclude from your job search, if applicable. You need to input each company’s domain one by one (e.g. Netflix)
  6. Select the keywords that should be present in the job posting: Choose the keywords you want to appear in the job posting. These are the words or skills that are important for the job you are looking for and will help with the job-matching. You need to input each keyword one by one and press enter (e.g., type in “Production Assistant” and then click “Enter”, type in “Film Industry”, and then click “Enter”, etc)
  7. Exclude keywords: Select any keywords you want to avoid in the job posting. These are words or skills that are not relevant to the job you are looking for. You need to input each excluded keyword one by one and press enter (e.g., type in “Marketing” and then click “Enter”, type in “Wedding”, and then click “Enter”, etc)
  8. Please choose the level of the job match you prefer: Adjust the matching level to refine the relevance of job postings. There are three levels, low, middle and high: 
  9. Low Matching Level: Your loop(s) will look for jobs that match your job search requirements but also additional jobs which will supplement your job results. 
  10. High Matching Level: Your loop(s) will get stricter and the tool will only match jobs that are very close to your resume and profile.
  11. Middle Matching Level: Your loop(s) will balance your job results.
  12. Click “Next

4th step: “Review”

  1. Review all the configured settings to ensure everything is accurate and meets your job search requirements.
  2. Click “Start the Loop

After you trigger your automated job search (“start the loop”), your loop will immediately access more than 20 different Job Boards (or the Job Boards you have selected). It will match your profile with several jobs that align with your job search settings as set while creating the loop(s), and it will then try to auto-apply on your behalf (if you have enabled the automation). 

The data collection process (job collection) might take from seconds to some minutes until it is completed.

You can view your job matches at any time in the “All Matches” tab.

Each automated job search (loop) applies for relevant job matches as instructed while creating it. In the third step of the creation process, you are asked to enable the platform automation. You can either enable all of them or whatever you feel is more useful to you. 

Your loop(s) may apply automatically on your behalf in 3 different ways:

  1. via email submissions
  2. via job application forms (auto-fill)
  3. via the Chrome browser extension – apply tool plugin (you need to trigger the extension)

The more automated job searches (loops) you create, the more job matches you collect, thus more automated job applications submitted (if job application features are enabled).

A sufficient number of loops fluctuate from 5 to 10.

Make sure to dedicate some time to setting up the platform in the best possible way.

It only takes a few seconds to create multiple loops once you are a bit more familiar with the platform.

To create multiple automated job searches (loops), thus streamlining job results and job application numbers, you need to follow the below simple steps:

  1. Click on the “My Loops” tab from the top left menu list
  2. Locate the automated job search (loop) that you would like to duplicate and click on the ‘’3 dots” icon to open the settings
  3. Click on “Duplicate Loop” 

Note: You are able to edit/change all or a few aspects of your loop (such as job title, location, job boards, seniority level, job type, resume (CV), email templates, to set up new automation enablements, keywords, and/or matching level). For example, you are able to only change the job title or location and keep the rest settings as is to create one more automated job search that will try to find and apply to ideal jobs for you (if apply-automation is enabled) 

  1. Follow the below steps to modify the new loop to your preferences:
  2. 1st step: “Search Info”
  3. 2nd step: “Email Template”
  4. 3rd step: “Settings”
  5. 4th step: “Review”
  6. Click “Save Changes

Follow the same process to keep creating more automated job searches (loops)

In case you want to perform changes to a running loop(s), you are able to do so through your Dashboard. You need to follow the below simple steps:

  1. Click on the “My Loops” tab from the top left menu list
  2. Locate the automated job search (loop) that you would like to duplicate and click on the ‘’3 dots” icon to open the settings
  3. Click on “Edit Loop” 

Note: You are able to edit/change all the aspects of your loop (such as job title, location, job boards, seniority level, job type, resume (CV), email templates, to set up new automation enablements, keywords, and/or matching level).  At the same time, you are able to edit only the job title or location and keep the rest settings as is. 

  1. Follow the below steps to modify your active loop to your preferences:
  2. 1st step: “Search Info”
  3. 2nd step: “Email Template”
  4. 3rd step: “Settings”
  5. 4th step: “Review”
  6. Click “Save Changes”

Follow the same process to edit other automated job searches (loops)

CV (Resume)

You are not able to delete a resume (CV) that is being used in parallel active job searches (more than one loop). If you want to select a different CV, feel free to upload the CV you want to use and select this over the previous one

In an active or a new loop(s), you are able to upload more than one resume and select the proper one, matching your desired job title, to target and attract more relevant jobs for your job search.

You need to follow the below simple steps:

1. Click on the “My Loops” tab from the top left menu list

2. Locate the automated job search (loop) that you would like to duplicate and click on the “3 dots” icon to open the settings

3. Click on “Edit Loop

a. 1st step: “Search Info

i. Upload the CV (you may upload more than one file)

ii. Select the file

4. Click “Next

5. Click “Next

6. Click “Next

7. Click “Save Changes

You are able to define a CV as default that will be used and sent to the companies.

You need to follow the below simple steps:

1. Click on the “Username” button on the upper right corner of the screen

2. Click on “Account Settings

3. Click on “Account Settings

4. Select a PDF or WORD file

5. Click “Set as Default

6. Click “Yes

SMTP Settings

SMTP settings are simply your Outgoing Mail settings. “SMTP” stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is a set of communication guidelines that allow our platform to transmit emails from your personal email address.

The provided SMTP settings will be used to send emails to companies hiring, presenting applicants’ motivation and resume (CV), from their personal email address instead of The user is able to link their personal email address to the platform so that all the communications can be handled by them and within their email inboxes

Our job search automation platform uses Amazon SES and SendGrid as third-party services to send emails. These services handle large volumes and offer special features, acting like a “post office” to deliver your messages. Since Gmail and Yahoo verify that emails come directly from their servers, emails sent through third-party services may not be delivered properly.

Our platform uses to avoid common issues with sending emails from personal addresses through third-party services:

Email Delivery: Gmail and Yahoo often block emails sent on their behalf via third-party services like SendGrid, causing them to fail or end up in spam.

Security Checks: Personal email providers verify emails coming directly from their servers. Third-party emails can fail these checks and be blocked.

Trust Issues: Emails sent this way may appear suspicious, reducing open rates and increasing the chances of being marked as spam.

Reputation Protection: Spam flags can harm your email reputation, leading to future delivery problems.

Using our platform’s domain ensures reliable delivery, security, and trustworthiness.

To avoid issues with deliverability and reputation, you can send emails from your personal address by setting up custom SMTP settings:

Why it Works: Custom SMTP ensures proper authentication, prevents spam flags, and improves delivery rates.

How to Set It Up: Below, thorough instructions are provided for each email provider (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook)

1. Before you set the SMTP settings, you need to first enable the Two-Step Authentication and, then, create an App Password (through your email provider’s settings).

Below, you may see the separate step-by-step instructions on how you can set up an App Password and the 2FA in your email provider. Choose the guide of your email provider:

1. App Password and 2FA for Gmail

2. App Password and 2FA for Outlook

3. App Password and 2FA for Yahoo

The 2FA needs to be always enabled!

If you face any difficulties enabling the above, please contact our support team!

2. Click on the “Username” button on the upper right corner of the screen

3. Click on “Account Settings

4. Click on “SMTP Settings

5. Click “Configure now

For Gmail:

a. Host:

b. Port: 587

c. Secure Connection: Yes

d. Username: Your personal @gmail address

e. Password: App Password (from Gmail)

For Outlook:

a. Host:

b. Port: 587

c. Secure Connection: Yes

d. Username: Your personal @outlook address

e. Password: App Password (from Outlook)

For Yahoo:

a. Host:

b. Port: 465

c. Secure Connection: Yes

d. Username: Your personal @yahoo address

e. Password: App Password (from Yahoo)

6. Once you have typed in the necessary information, click “Update Settings” and you are set to send emails from your personal email address

Apply Tool Plugin (Chrome Browser Extension)

Our platform aggregates job posts from multiple Job Boards around the world, collecting daily new job opportunities and matching them with your job search requirements. However, there are some Job Platforms that require the applicant to have an actual account (accessible with login credentials) in order to be able to apply for jobs.

So, you as a user of our platform are able to leverage our Apply Tool plugin (Chrome browser extension) so that you can automatically apply for jobs posted on these Job Boards.

All you have to do is to create an account on these Job Platforms (if you do not have any, under the same Chrome profile, email address and contact details), upload your resume (CV), download our Apply Tool plugin, and start using it.

The Job Boards that our Apply Tool supports for automated job applications are:

● LinkedIn

● Indeed

● Dice

● Reed

For automated job applications through LinkedIn, Indeed, Dice and Reed, it is necessary to download and use the browser extension.

The process is quite simple, so you are good to go!

1. Install the extension from the “Overview” tab in your Dashboard:

After logging in to your Dashboard, in the “Overview” tab, you may find a dialogue on the upper side of your screen with action buttons (“Go”):

1. Click on the “Go” button (add extension)

2. Click “Add to Chrome

3. Go back to your Dashboard

2. Install the extension while creating an automated job search (loop)

While creating a new automated job search (loop), in the 3rd step of the process (Settings), you are asked to click the install button to download and enable the Chrome browser extension. The only thing you have to do is to click on the “Install” button and you will be redirected to our Chrome web store where you will be able to add our Apply Tool plugin to your Chrome browser.

See below where you may find this option (grey area)

While creating a new automated job search (loop), in the 3rd step of the process (Settings), you are asked to click the install button to download and enable the Chrome browser extension. The only thing you have to do is to click on the “Install” button and you will be redirected to our Chrome web store where you will be able to add our Apply Tool plugin to your Chrome browser.

1. Click on the “All Matches” tab from the top left menu list. You will be redirected to your “AllMatches” page

2. Select the Job Board (LinkedIn, Indeed, Dice, or Seek) that you would like to use our browser extension to automatically apply for jobs with the status “Extension Supported”.

You have now filtered in job matches on the Job Board you have selected

Note: Make sure you use the browser extension separately for each job platform it supports to make the job application process smoother.

3. After filtering the Job Platform (LinkedIn, Indeed, Dice, or Seek):

a. You can either select all the job titles and then click “Apply

b. You can select one-by-one the job matches that you would like to send for job application through the extension and click “Apply

4. Click “Confirm

Note: After clicking “Confirm”, the Chrome browser extension opens a new tab within your browser and starts to automatically apply for the selected jobs.

The blue bar at the bottom of your screen is an indication that the apply tool (extension) is active. While the apply tool is applying on your browser, you may leave the tab and navigate within your browser. Do not close the tab!

At the end of the process, you see the Job Application Report which informs you of the status of your job applications. The Report informs you whether there are any jobs with additional questions for which you need to provide answers and re-run the Chrome browser extension afterwards to apply.

It is quite possible that some job posts have some extra questions for you to answer in order to submit your application. Our Chrome browser extension collects these questions so that you can answer them through your Dashboard.

1. From the Job Application Report, click “Answer Questions” and you will be redirected to the corresponding questions per job in your Dashboard.

2. Answer the questions.

If the “AI Answering feature is enabled for your loop(s), you will be able to see the mark “Answered By AI” next to some questions. This means that our AI has provided an answer that you are able to keep as is or change it.

3. Once you are done with answering the questions, click “Submit”.

4. Click “Confirm

You may click “View All Applications” and you will be redirected to the table of your total job applications

Job Boards

The platform aggregates job posts from multiple Job Boards around the world, collecting daily new job opportunities and matching them with your job search requirements.

Supported Job Boards:

● LinkedIn

● Indeed

● Workable

● Glassdoor

● USA jobs

● Coroflot

● ReedCoUk

● Monster

● SimplyHired

● InfoJobs

● Gulf Talent

● Naukri

● Jooble

● Seek

● CV Library

● CareerJet

● Dice

● Adzuna

● Xing

● CareerAddict

● Lever

Status Descriptions

1. Ready to Apply: The “automated job applications” (emails/forms) feature is disabled for this job match. Enable the corresponding toggles for automated email and application form submissions from the “My Loops” page.

2. Extension Supported: This job match is supported by our chrome browser extension. Make sure to download and trigger our apply tool (chrome browser extension) to easily and automatically apply for this job.

3. Questions Pending: Further action needed: Answer required questions to proceed with the job application.

4. Submitting: Job application is in progress. Please make sure to regularly refresh the page for updates.

5. Applied Automatically: The platform has applied automatically for this job. No further action is required.

6. Email Sent: The platform has automatically emailed your job application to the company for this job. Make sure to check your inboxes to arrange next steps.

7. Applied Externally: The platform has applied for this job on an external job platform. Marked as applied.

8. External Apply Required: Open the original job page to apply directly on the job post.

9. Manual Apply Required: The “job application automation” feature is disabled. Enable the corresponding toggles (for automated email submissions and job applications via form) from the “My Loops” tab to edit your active loop(s).

10. Interview: You have scheduled an interview for this job.

11. Unsupported: No automated job application can be provided by our platform as the job is posted on a platform that we do not support. Open the original job page and apply externally.

12. Expired: The job post has expired. The match will be removed from your job results. If the company reposts the job, our platform will collect this and you will be able to apply.

13. Not available: No application method is available at this time.

14. Failed: The platform attempted to apply, but the submission failed. Possibly, the job post might have expired. Please try again.

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