Two Unlikely is the story of a young man named Edward who after struggles at his own home, enlists into the army. Encountering a nearly fatal attack, he has to take on an unlikely acquaintance in the form of a enemy soldier.
My name is Nolan Ekberg, Writer and Director of Two Unlikely. I set out to make this short starting in early January of this year. I thought of messages and themes that inspired me and that I wanted to share. My Dad and I have watched so many war movies together and they have always been some of my favorites. I found a story that I needed to tell, and found that World War II was a great time period and vessel to tell that story.
I have made two other short films before, both having no-budget and just made with friends and family. As I made these two I looked at them as practice runs, for something bigger. I decided to take my time on this story and this project. I wrote the script over the course of 5 months, until I was happy with it.
Pre-Production started immediately after that, I sent out casting calls, and started gathering my crew. After I got my full Cast and Crew I began scheduling and preparing for the first shooting day. I had never gotten this many people working on one of my visions before, it was very overwhelming. After months of planning and stressing, we began the first of eight days of principal photography. While riddled with trouble, this first day was very enlightening and really set the stage for the next upcoming days of production. After seven more days of trouble, laughs, terrible weather, team building, and getting kicked out of locations we finished filming.
It was an amazing experience for everyone involved and we all learned and grew as filmmakers. The film is now currently in the post-production process, which will take to the end of August. After, the film will be screened in multiple non-profit organizations and local film festivals. If the film does good at these places, then we will hopefully expand to more screenings, trying to spread the story to the widest audience possible. This film is extremely personal to everyone involved with it. Without the help and support of all of our indiegogo backers, cast and crew, and my friends and family this story would not have been able to be told in the way it should be. Two Unlikely will be released on my YouTube Channel “Shizard Studioz” in September.
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