To grow apart is the story of a young man who comes home to discover his husband has committed suicide. After initially going into shock, our protagonist escapes into a fantasy world. He subsequently has a conversation with the ghost of his dead lover, during which he finally acknowledges that he has been in an abusive relationship all along. In this world he must make a choice: stay forever, or return to the real world and face his uncertain future.
The tragedy of suicide is not just in the loss of the individual, but in the grief and trauma caused to those left behind. This story is in dedication to the survivors. Our film also helps raise awareness of the often hidden signs of emotional abuse in relationships, especially those between gay men.
Recently we launched an Indigogo campaign to help bring this film to life. In supporting To Grow Apart you will be helping young filmmakers get their message out. Please share and spread the word about the film. Our main goal is to raise awareness about emotional abuse and the drastic consequences it can have, so the most important thing is to get peoples eyes on this.
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