Trapped at work, a security guard on the nightshift must find the strength to guide his pregnant wife to safety when their evening call over Facetime is interrupted by an intruder into their home.
We are a creative team of MA students at the MET Film School in London making our Master’s graduation film.
This is the story of Tomek, a man blindly striving towards an impossible vision of what he thinks will be the perfect life. In doing so, he forgets what is most important in life: being present here and now in our own lives and the lives of our loved ones. Our film takes place in present day London, a melting pot where all cultures are welcome – something which is represented by the main characters: two economic migrants Yasmin and Tomek who, alongside over 9 million others in the UK, have travelled from the familiarity of their home countries in order to seek out new opportunities and to forge a new life for themselves.
We are currently in the pre-production phase running a campaign on Indiegogo to crowdfund the film. Our goal is £5,000 and we have already reached 20% of it in three days! We are looking for private investors or brands, which could help us fund part of the film, become a Media Partner or Sponsor. Themes and aspects of the film which investors could find interesting for their own promotion or building their brand’s social and cultural image are: The realities faced by immigrants/foreigners in their new country (i.e. trying to fit in and build a home). European actors in British production – putting exciting, up and coming talent in front of a new audience. Virtual communication’s impact on our life and how this convenience has become a substitute for a physical presence. The feeling of isolation experienced by young people in modern times. It will be a suspenseful, psychological thriller – something quite rare in short films. You can find out more and reach out to us here:
This is a very personal story to the production team, especially producer, Misia Pawlowska and director, Thanos Pantsos, who both moved to the UK in search of a better future and career and for whom videochatting with their families back home is a regular and essential part of life. As anyone who has tried it will know, it’s not easy to have a smile on your face and build a bright future for yourself when those closest to you are so far away. But, despite missing and constantly worrying about their nearest and dearest, millions of people around the world have had to make this toughest of choices – we hope that the story we’re telling will therefore be relatable and touch the hearts of a wide audience.
The film is our graduation film to begin with and will first be screened privately in Central London in March 2019. In terms of quality, we are setting a high bar for ourselves and aim to make the best film we possibly can. It will go on the festival circuit starting from A-type short film festivals and work it’s way down around as many of those as possible. Once it’s festival journey has ended we will submit the film to the Shorts International TV where it will be available for a wider audience. If you would like to become a part of the team, share your experiences if they are similar to those of our characters or simply want to help us make this film a reality, please get in touch through the crowd funding page. We look forward to hearing from you!
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