“Luna” is a spin-off using the tale of Beauty & the Beast with an unprecedented role reversal between the two characters. Instead, a scientifically created girl-beast is awakened by her desire to find love when a good-looking young man separates from his group of hiking pals and inadvertently stumbles into her secret community deep in the Adirondack forests.
Beauty and the Beast
One day I had an idea: what if the story was reversed? What if the girl was the beast? This was a twist on a familiar story that hadn’t been explored yet. I envisioned it as a movie in modern times and the story of the young girl being a beast due to science rather than magic cemented the concept. Thus, Luna was born. I wrote a couple of screenplays to flesh out my idea and then turned it into a novel to give my story a new range of depth and emotion. Now, Luna is a solid story primarily told in the backdrop of the Adirondack forest in upstate New York. The central characters deal with love, fear, desire, friendship, prejudice, and alienation – just as we all do at one time or another.
The appeal of a unique version of Beauty and the Beast is widespread. While the tale has always greatly catered to a female audience, having a woman “beast” will attract an even wider female audience. Especially with the current climate of women looking to have a bigger impact in the world, having a female lead as the beast will resonate with many viewers. While the story is a love story and a well-known fantasy, the lessons of finding acceptance in the world and realizing one’s strengths are something that an audience can identify within the character of Luna.
Likewise, the role of James speaks to those on a path in their life that they might not want. This can include a career or a potential life partner, both of which this movie covers. Watching the struggle of James as he realizes that he is falling for the woman that first repelled him sets him on a journey of questioning his life choices, and then doing something about them.
Men and women alike will find something appealing in this story. Coping with first love, or rethinking someone you believe you are in love with are deep life decisions that everyone can identify with. Women will see a strong female role model in Luna. Men can identify with the “knight on the white horse” that James becomes.
Not only would this new twist on the conventional story be successful as a theatrical release, but the subsequent revenue realized by video sales and other related revenue has great potential. With the correct marketing approach during the filming and then the release of the movie, “Luna” has widespread earning potential. Furthermore, a concentrated marketing effort on the already published “Luna” novel will promote interest in the movie, and the subsequent release of the movie will help sales of the book. Told with heart, drama, and
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3 thoughts on “Luna | Sci-fi/fantasy, Romance/Drama Feature | New York, NY”
I would love to design the Special Make-up prosthetics for this feature film. Anyone involved with the production of this feature please contact me.thanks>> arnoldsno1@aol.com
I for one would love to see this film fully realized!! I can relate to it on so many levels: a love story; a story of female empowerment; an element of science fiction; a tale of self-realization and finding true values in life. It really has it all!!
Thank you so much for all of your support, Dawne. It’s because of people like you I have this “go get it” attitude for the project. Your family has touched me in more ways than I could have ever imagined. FYI, “Seraphim” is still being considered for the soundtrack for the film. The first time I ever heard it, it melted my heart. I listen to it, and I just see Luna. It truly is one of the most beautiful pieces of music my ears have ever heard. I will be keeping you posted with any updates! Thank you again, and God bless you and the boys!