FLAVA follows Raekwon, an actor behind a mega advertising pop star named Lil Pooky in a dystopic city nicknamed “The Bottoms”. After being challenged by a news host to do better for the city, Raekwon decides it’s time to take a more political approach with Lil Pooky. The giant media corporation he works for, Tenko, has similar thoughts and reveals that Lil Pooky will now be the mascot for the next big product to hit the market: terrorism!
FLAVA was inspired by many areas of turmoil in today’s climate. The experience of black actors and actresses within the entertainment industry was the initial issue we wanted to explore in this film, heightened to the extremes that only a sci-fi film could provide. From there we began branching out the story to look at capitalism, law enforcement, and the media’s impact on the masses. We wanted a film that would be entertaining and fantastical, but still had a very human core to it.
When designing
FLAVA was filmed in 6 shoot days during Iowa’s signature winter weather, which meant one day could be 83 degrees and then next could feel like -4. The aspect of the film that was the most fun to shoot was the fake advertisements that fill the world. This task resulted in us creating dozens of fake companies and advertisements (our
For the future with
Website: https://flavashortfilm.weebly.com/
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS2c9Ca06LI
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