“Blind Date” is a short film written and directed by Adam Laughlin, currently in the middle of production. The film centers around a man set up on a date through a friend, only to discover that his date isn’t quite what she seems… human, that is.
The inspiration for this film came from another short by one of the director’s peers while in college. The short in question featured a similar premise with a man picking up a woman at a bar, but the ending, presented as a punchline, revealed that the woman was transgender. After angering their crew to the point of near-refusal to work with them, Adam had been relayed this information through a member of their crew. He believed it could be turned into a touching story if the new couple in question had been followed home, and began to write. Because of his interest in science-fiction, Adam rewrote the plot as a metaphor opposed to a direct copy of the inspiration. The result is something he hopes will be better received by audiences, and his crew.
The talented team behind “Blind Date” consists almost entirely of students and recent graduates of Flashpoint Academy in Chicago, IL, and independent actors (some of which have recently graduated as well). These individuals have also collaborated before on other projects. The actor playing Tom, Zach Bradley, had previously appeared in a comedy/horror short written by Adam, and under the same producer Arturo Gamino, “I May, I Mites”. Head of the sound department, Denis Pagoada, also used his capabilities in sound design to assist Adam on a web series episode through the school. “Blind Date” also features cinematographer Jessica Derlis, who recently worked on the short film “Nighthawks” with other crew members AC Sergio Hernandez , 2nd AC Dennis Villanueva, and editor Christina Marie. The short film will also feature the visual effects talent of Keely Durbin as she brings Tom’s date, the interdimensional shapeshifting being Clara (played by Katie Phillipson), to life. Actress Alicia Frame also joins the cast playing Kayla, Tom’s friend who sets up the unusual blind date.
As of August 20th, 2018, “Blind Date” has begun principal photography, anticipated for completion in late fall/early winter 2018. This film will be submitted to multiple film festivals until it is eventually released online. A crowdfunding campaign through Indiegogo will be launched soon to cover costs including actor pay, and a social media campaign over Facebook and Instagram is available right now to track the film’s progress.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/blinddatefilm2018
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