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Hartas & Craig


Job Type

Project Type: Various Projects
Job Date: Full Time
Compensation: Paid - Salary
Union Status: Non-Union


Not many independent agencies have the luxury of their very own in-house Videographer/Editor/ Producer, either all in one or ultimately a team of three. There’s room and potential to grow a really fantastic team of talented creative colleagues around you. This opportunity is working with an Australian leading specialist agency that creates and produces extremely high quality work across all media platforms, including, print, digital, websites, social, content and out-of-home, as well as live experiences.

You could be first and foremost a talented Videographer with capable editing skills. From there, you’ll have the chance to quite quickly identify and build a team, an Editor and a Producer to support and organise all pre-production and shoots. You’ll work closely with the agency’s creative department and their clients and you must be a people person with creative vision, excellent attention to detail and superb communication skills, with experience navigating creative briefs for style and content ideas.

This is an incredibly friendly creative agency environment. Their speciality is delivering high end stories and creative solutions for contemporary commercial and residential property across the East Coast and Melbourne. There’s plenty of opportunity to add your own sense of design and aesthetic to each project. 

We are excited to see what you’ve done and the value you can bring.

If this posting seems off, please report it to us!
We even have a Reporting Rewards Program in place if you find a faulty listing.

Check out our article on how to have safe online interactions and what you should look out for when applying. Never share personal or private information and always be diligent. Job listings may be set to a 90-day auto relisting period per the lister. Some applications may take you offsite.


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