6 Tips for Shooting in Cold Weather
Shooting in cold weather can create stunning imagery for your film. However, it also can be extremely challenging to accomplish successfully. Follow these 6 tips
Shooting in cold weather can create stunning imagery for your film. However, it also can be extremely challenging to accomplish successfully. Follow these 6 tips
So you want to learn how to expose your camera hey? Well you’ve come to the right place. Below you’ll find a quick and basic
So you’re here because you’re doing a project and you can’t decide if you should shoot 30fps or 60, or maybe you haven’t started but
Director of Photography A Director of Photography is one of the most important people on the set of a film. He is essentially responsible for
Determining your aspect ratio before you roll your camera for the first time is crucial. It can effect your locations, props, wardrobe, everything. But by
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