Windfall | Crime Drama | Waterloo, Iowa
The following is a review and classification emailed to Live Free by Cleopatra Awards and one of their head honcho elitists, Paul Newblam, in regards
The following is a review and classification emailed to Live Free by Cleopatra Awards and one of their head honcho elitists, Paul Newblam, in regards
The feature crime comedy, SURE-FIRE, is about a New York City con man having a mid-life crisis who stumbles into becoming a movie producer to
In the mind there are two distinct places: the light and the dark. In the light, the desired place to be, justice and truth triumph.
For the Barking Vans crew, a small-time entertainment company trying to rise up and introduce themselves in the competitive landscape of artistry companies, 2018 has
Once a victim of manipulation, I understood the real effects and consequences of it. Feelings were meddled in the process and I made ill-advised decisions
From Director Josey Davis of Barking Vans Productions, the idea was conceived when the debut short film of Josey’s began filming without a title, the
So, you want to make a movie? DEAD LAYER is a passion project I started writing about 7 years ago. It went through many names,
Max just lost his mother, and the Franchise Tax Board of California just stole a large sum of that inheritance via his bank account. Sometimes
Young, up and coming filmmaker, Joshua Outing, is in the process of financing his first feature film, We Were Young. Joshua Outing is the award-winning
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